2019 — 2021
Two Channel Video: Projection (4’37”loop), Television (3’33”loop)

Valide (Mother) traces Taksim’s historic water system against its flow, perhaps also back in time. The viewers follow the map of the water system as they walk past the long, dark corridor in the gallery, towards the light of a projection which calls the viewer with the therapeutic sound of water. The names of the historic water structures correspond to Istanbul’s contemporary neighborhoods.

As the viewers walk past the corridor, their movement restores the flow. They arrive at the projection room, where the images fall on a roll of fabric that flows from the ceiling, down into a vintage baby bath and onto the floor. The projection consists of footage taken at one of the dam’s that feed the water system. Valide, the name of both this installation and this dam -built by Valide Mihrişah Sultan- is the Ottoman word for mother.


5th Mardin Biennial 
Curator: Adwait Singh
Mardin, Turkey

Choose Only One Master – Nature
Curator: Beral Madra
Evliyagil Dolapdere

2019 – 2020
Curator: Gizem Karakaş
Galeri 5, İstanbul


2021 (ENG / TR)
Interruption and Flow exhibition catalogue 

İpek Ulusoy Akgül,Waterway: On Sibel Horada’s New Works

Kesinti ve Akış sergi yayını 

İpek Ulusoy Akgül, Su Yolu: Sibel Horada’nın Yeni İşleri Üzerine

2020 (TR)

Devir, Sergi Yayını

Editor and initiator: Gizem Karakaş


December 2021 (ENG)
Critics’ Picks: Istanbul 
Matt Hanson
Art Forum

3 November 2021 (ENG)
Interruption and Flow’: the passage of time through water and paint 
Melis Erdemli
TRT World

16 December 2021  (ENG)
Collective Memory Reshaped with Changes in the City
Hatice Utkan Özden
Hürriyet Daily News

4 Ocak 2022 (TR)
Sibel Horada ile: Mevcut Durum İçinde Eyler Kalmak Üzerine
Burcu Dimili

Kasım 2021 (TR)
Bu Mahrumiyete Gerek Var mıydı?
Burcu Dimili

13 Kasım 2021 (TR)
Bir Sergi İncelemesi: “Kesinti ve Akış”
Emir Dereci
Plume Mag

26 Kasım 2021 (TR)
3 farklı mekanda ‘meydan’ın hafızası
Nazlı Pektaş

6 Aralık 2021 (TR)
Tahayyülden hafızaya uzanan kesinti ve akışlar
Özlüm Ceren İlhan

September 2020 (TR)
Şimdinin Kalıplarını Sarsmak
Interview with Necmi Sönmez


Kasım 2021
Sibel Horada ile solo sergisi üzerine söyleşi
Çelenk Bafra
Açık Radyo // Hariçten Sanat

Aralık 2021
Kesinti ve Akış
Sinan Eren Erk ile söyleşi
Sanat Dedikleri Tuhaf Şey