Duran Suda Alan Açmak
Video Installation: 50” and 40” LED Screen, Metal, Two Channel Video, 8’06’’ loop
Cinematography Meryem Yavuz
Additional Photography Sibel Horada
Editing Natalin Solakoğlu, Merve Ertufan, Sibel Horada
Sound Emir Buğra Kazak, Sibel Horada
Video Installation Consultants Merve Ertufan, Barış Öktem
Clearing Space in Still Water is a two channel video installation which takes place in İstanbul’s Taksim Square, a contested stage for architectural manifestations of changing political regimes throughout Turkey’s republic era. Horada picks up on one forgotten detail about the Taksim Republic Monument: the fact that it was originally designed as a square fountain but never connected to a water source, like so many interruptions in the nation’s collective memory. She tries to activate a potential (artistic) flow in the rainwater that accumulates in the otherwise dry, vestigial basins on two sides of the monument, by reverting to the art of traditional paper marbling.
On one screen, we see two hands practicing the art of marbling in a water basin with a traditional horsehair marbling brush. On the other screen we watch the same brush caress various surfaces around Taksim Square. We watch the artist as she metaphorically gleans colors off these materials and drops them in the still water accumulated in the basins of the Taksim Republic Monument.
*Commissioned within the scope of SAHA Studio program and produced with the support of SAHA.
Sibel Horada, Clearing Space in Still Water, Installation Views at Versus Art Project, 2021
Sibel Horada, Clearing Space in Still Water, Installation Views at Kunsthaus Göttingen, 2022
printing futures: art for tomorrow
Kunsthaus Göttingen, Germany
Solo exhibition: Interruption and Flow / Kesinti ve Akış
Versus Art Project, Istanbul
2021 (ENG / TR)
Interruption and Flow exhibition catalogue
İpek Ulusoy Akgül,Waterway: On Sibel Horada’s New Works
İpek Ulusoy Akgül, Su Yolu: Sibel Horada’nın Yeni İşleri Üzerine
December 2021 (ENG)
Critics’ Picks: Istanbul
Matt Hanson
Art Forum
3 November 2021 (ENG)
Interruption and Flow’: the passage of time through water and paint
Melis Erdemli
TRT World
16 December 2021 (ENG)
Collective Memory Reshaped with Changes in the City
Hatice Utkan Özden
Hürriyet Daily News
12 Kasım 2021 (TR)
Sibel Horada’nın “Kesinti ve Akış” başlıklı sergisi sanatseverlerle buluştu: “Taksim Meydanı’nı yeniden sevebilir miyim?”
Edanur Tanış
Medya Scope
4 Ocak 2022 (TR)
Sibel Horada ile: Mevcut Durum İçinde Eyler Kalmak Üzerine
Burcu Dimili
30 Kasım 2021 (TR)
Sibel Horada ile “Kesinti ve Akış” Sergisi Hakkında Söyleşi
Nil Has
Sanat Okur
Kasım 2021 (TR)
Bu Mahrumiyete Gerek Var mıydı?
Burcu Dimili
13 Kasım 2021 (TR)
Bir Sergi İncelemesi: “Kesinti ve Akış”
Emir Dereci
Plume Mag
26 Kasım 2021 (TR)
3 farklı mekanda ‘meydan’ın hafızası
Nazlı Pektaş
6 Aralık 2021 (TR)
Tahayyülden hafızaya uzanan kesinti ve akışlar
Özlüm Ceren İlhan
September 2020 (TR)
Şimdinin Kalıplarını Sarsmak
Interview with Necmi Sönmez
12 Kasım 2021
Sibel Horada’nın “Kesinti ve Akış” başlıklı sergisi sanatseverlerle buluştu: “Taksim Meydanı’nı yeniden sevebilir miyim?”
Edanur Tanış
Medya Scope
Kasım 2021
Sibel Horada ile solo sergisi üzerine söyleşi
Çelenk Bafra
Açık Radyo // Hariçten Sanat
Aralık 2021
Kesinti ve Akış
Sinan Eren Erk ile söyleşi
Sanat Dedikleri Tuhaf Şey